Webcam de l'agence Saulire

Le 27/04/2024 à 09h00

Le 27/04/2024 à 12h00

Le 26/04/2024 à 17h00

Webcam & Weather forecast

Discover our mountains weather forecast from your home.
Follow the snowfalls and temperatures to prepare your holidays in Méribel Mottaret !
In winter, do not forget snow equipment for your car (snow tire, chains or socks) to avoid beeing blocked in case of snowfall.
Special equipements are mandatories in case of huge snowfalls.
Feel free to contact us for any information about it.


Méribel Webcams




The weather condition are essential to plan your activites during your stay in Meribel. Agence Saulire provides, below, the weather forecast for the 7 coming days. This is a synthetical weather report with what to expect in terms of sun, wind, temperature and snow coverage.
You can download 3 Valleys slope's map here. You are now ready for your holiday stay in Meribel!

In winter, do not forget to take special equipment for your vehicule, snow chains or snow socks, so you don't stuck on the road. Special equipments are compulsory on the roads to the ski resorts and the police do not let unequipped vehicules on the roads!
In winter, prepare your summer holidays in breath-taking sceneries only mountains can offer!

Find all the relevant information to prepare your stay, before you get to Meribel-Mottaret, and check out the route to reach the resort.



Mountain climate is different: in theory, the winters are cold and the summer are chilly and humid. However, depending on the altitude, exposition to the sun and wind, the weather condition can be very different from one valley to another. The rain and snow are more regular than in plains. Sudden climate change are another characteristic of mountain climate, whatever the season: a summer storm can be immediately followed by a bright and sunshine, and a snow storm can replace a bright blue sky in minutes. One should remain careful at all times when planning a walk or ski outing.

These specifications require hikers and skiers to pay extra care to the weather forecast before their outings.
Several websites propose weather reports for short, medium or long term. It is thus relevant to compare several sources to get a better idea. Among those sites are:
- Météo France Montagne : usual forecast, snow coverage for each mountain massif and ski resort, avalanche risk report
- Météoblue : local forecast, wind, humidity rate, cloud coverage
- Météo Ciel : thorough forecast report, close to 5km precision
- Tameteo : usual forecast, lunar calendar

Altitude can cause physical problem to some people sensitive to the change of atmospherical pressure and oxygene depletion. The higher you go, the lower the air pressure and the lower the oxygene gets. This combination of factors can cause the Acute Mountain Sickness (AMS) be manifested by headaches, insomnia, nausea, if not vomiting, that appear from  to 12 hours after arrival. This condition usually disappears after acclimatisation.



The condition of snow and the level of coverage are essential criteria to be able to ski and the 3 Valleys offers great features. Oriented south-north, Meribel ski area stretches along Meribel valley with a serie of summits above 2.500m high, such as La Saulire, l'Aiguille du Fruit or le Mont Vallon. 85% of the 3 Valleys ski area is located above 1800m high.
Meribel Mottaret, simply called Mottaret, is located just below, at 1750m. The highest part of the ski area is Mont Vallon at 2952m. The wood-covered environment with fir trees and larch trees surround the snow fields. The high altitude and diversity of exposition to the sun guarantee a great snow coverage and a quality snow available at all times.


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